Fast twitch fibers are responsible for producing explosive movements like a sprint, a jump, or a heavy one rep max.
Slow twitch fibers play a big role in muscular endurance and long bouts of activity.
Obviously, most team sport athletes want more fast twitch fibers to gain an edge in competition.
Jump higher.
Sprint faster.
Outmuscle the competition.
The thing is, what you do between ages 6-16 determine what type of muscle fibers you’re predisposed to.
If your child is playing Fortnite, watching TV, jogging around the block or lifting weights in a slow manner, your child has a high likelihood of becoming slow twitch dominant.
That’s fine if your child wants to be a marathon runner, or a cyclist.
But, if they have a tendency towards baseball, basketball, football, tennis, wrestling, or another team sport, they’ll want the majority of their muscle fibers to be fast twitch.
That means you’ll want to train them with FAST, EXPLOSIVE movement.