The 4-Step System Elite Soccer Players Are Using to Get More...


In 30 Days or Less
This Is Completely Counterintuitive And Totally New
The 4-Step System Elite Soccer Players Are Using to Get More...


In 30 Days or Less
This Is Completely Counterintuitive And Totally New
If you want the speed, agility, and quickness that sets you apart on the field..

…Then this might be the most exciting message you read all day.

Because there’s a NEW way of getting speed and agility for soccer…

And it’s already being used by clubs in Spain, Italy, Brazil, France, and other countries around the world…

Yet it’s being overlooked by almost all coaches and clubs here in the US.

Especially at lower levels of play,
If you want the speed, agility, and quickness that sets you apart on the field..

…Then this might be the most exciting message you read all day.

Because there’s a NEW way of getting speed and agility for soccer…

And it’s already being used by clubs in Spain, Italy, Brazil, France, and other countries around the world…

Yet it’s being overlooked by almost all coaches and clubs here in the US.

Especially at lower levels of play,
But today, I’m going to share this new approach with you today…

And in doing so…

…Help you unlock the speed, agility, and quickness that helps you:
  • Get More Playing Time
  • Win The Trust of Your Coach And Teammates
  • Become a Better Producer on The Field
  • ​Create More Opportunities for Yourself And Your Teammates
All Of This Comes Down To A 
All Of This Comes Down To A 
One that works without weighing you down with bulk….

And without exposing you to injury.

In fact, when you follow this...

You should find yourself off the sidelines more than you're on them.


Following this 4-step system requires an open mind…

Because you won’t see your coaches or teammates following a system like this…

Because they’re stuck in the old school ways of getting speed and agility…

While professional clubs in Spain, Italy, Brazil, France, and other countries around the world are following this new way

And they’re getting huge results with it.

I’m about to share all of this with you…


Let Me Explain Exactly What This System Is, And How It Came to Be In The First Place…
My name’s Chris Barnard…

And in the past few years alone, I’ve worked with over 57 professional athletes across 6 sports… 38 draft picks… And countless college and high school athletes.

Plus, I’ve spent the past 15+ years sharing performance training content on my YouTube channel to over 490,000 subscribers.
Despite all this…

Until a few years ago… I NEVER worked with soccer players.
But That All Changed When I Met Martin
Martin was a highly decorated soccer player.

He was already a pro.

In fact, for most of his career, he starred in the Premier League.

But he also…
Suited Up For His Country In The 2018 World Cup
…Where his country reached the quarter finals for the first time in over 20 years.
Despite all this success…

Martin wanted more.

He wanted the speed and agility that would help him extend his career…

He wanted to produce more on the field…

And he wanted to spend more time playing the game he loves.
I Never Worked With a Soccer Player Before
But I agreed to work with him.

Because I knew he was willing to take any means necessary to seize the success he wanted…

Which meant he would get great results…

But more importantly…
I Knew The Shortcut To Getting Him The Speed & Agility He Wanted

A lot of coaches, clubs, and even parents have players following the same old methods that deliver the same old results:

A player is slow? 

Do a couple of extra sprints at the end of practice.

Maybe some plyometrics here and there.
A player lacks agility? 

Do some ladder drills…

Or some more ball drills.

This old school approach delivers mediocre results at best…

And does absolutely nothing at worst.

Because the reality is…
And it comes down to explosiveness…

Because in order to sprint faster…

In order to change directions faster…

In order to get that explosive first step…

You need to be able to produce HIGH amounts of force QUICKLY.
The more force you can produce, and the faster you can produce it…
...The Faster, more Agile, and more Athletic you’ll be.
...The Faster, more Agile, and more Athletic you’ll be.

But ladder drills, sprint, and ball drills only fill one half of this equation.

So with these simple drillss…

You never truly get the results you’re looking for.

This said…
If You Want Speed And Agility, You Need to Build Explosiveness First
And you’re smart enough to recognize…

You can’t build explosiveness in a day.

It takes a step by step system…

A progression…

One that makes you a little faster….

A little more agile…

And a little more explosive day by day…

This is the kind of system I built for Martin…

…And it’s been used by other pro’s, college players, and high school players, too…

…And it’s the same one I’m going to share with you…

Because The Results Are Absolutely Staggering
In just a few weeks…

Martin saw his top speed…


And agility SOAR.

More specifically, he saw his vertical jump increase by 4 inches.

And if you don’t know…

Your vertical jump carries over to your top speed…

And more importantly, your overall explosiveness.

So this increase alone is a huge win…
But It Gets Better…
Because Martin also saw his strength shoot up across the board...

Which will play into his stability and balance both statically and dynamically.

Players won't be able to bully him off the ball or push him around in the box.

And better than that…
His 10 yard dash time dropped by a massive .27 seconds....

Which means his first step quickness improved...

His speed too...

And while you can't measure things like agility + reaction time....

I'm willing to bet that those athletic traits improved as well.
It Only Took a Few Weeks…
And it all started with a simple system

One that you can use to become the guy.

The guy your teammates can lean on…

The guy they trust to perform day in and day out.

The guy the coach can throw in any situation, and expect success…
Because This System Gives You The Athletic Traits You Need To Succeed All Over The Field
It meets you where you’re at…

And gets you to where you want to go…

By introducing you to BASIC movements, drills, and exercises…

Then slowly advancing them…

Making them more sport-specific…

And translating them to the field…

No wasted time, no unnecessary bulk.

But enough talk…

This is what you probably want:
Here’s A Roadmap of 
STEP #1:


It all starts with building an athletic base…

An athletic base of agility, speed, strength, and power.

In this step, we pay particular attention to the ankles, knees, and hips…

Because as much as you use them in soccer…

Certain functions of the ankles, knees, and hips are neglected…

But when you elevate them, your athleticism is amplified by 10x…
STEP #2:


Before you can learn how to produce force explosively…

You have to learn how to absorb force.

Because the more force you can absorb, the more you’re able to produce.

So in this stage, we’re working on your ability to absorb force in all planes of motion.

While at the same time, fixing the holes in your speed mechanics so ultimately…

You can sprint faster…

While being able to move in all directions more quickly.
STEP #3:


Next, we work on your ability to produce force explosively.

And we do this by removing the eccentric (or “down”) phase of movement..,

Which allows you to work pure explosiveness in isolation.

And at the same time, we add in true agility training…

Which is your ability to change directions while reacting to certain stimuli.

For example, 

This is some of the most sport-specific training you can do for soccer…

Because these are the skills that are going to directly translate over to the field...

...Which brings us to the last step..
STEP #4:


Finally, we want to bridge the gap between the traits we’ve built in the gym…

And transfer them over to the field.

We do this with sport-specific drills and movements…

This includes more drills that improve reactions…
Soccer specific speed and power work…

And more agility drills.

This step is the piece that takes all the work we’ve done in the gym…

…Ties it together…

…And translates it to the field.
Making you faster, stronger, and more explosive in game situations.

Since Its Creation, OVER 10,281 SOCCER PLAYERS Have Used This System

And as a result…

They’ve not only become top producers for their team…

…But they’re also:
  • Enjoying more playing time
  • Becoming starters
  • Earning scholarships
  • ​Becoming team captains
  • ​Getting more overall success for their position
And so much more…

Now, I Want To Invite You To Try This 4-Step Soccer System For Yourself

So thirty days from now…

You can be the faster, more explosive, and agile soccer player you want to be…

The one coach can rely on…

The one who’s a better teammate…

The one who creates opportunities for himself, and the rest of his team.
And you’ll look back on this day as the day everything changed for you…

The first day you truly began unlocking your full potential…


Soccer Performance System is the 4-step system that turns you into the player coaches want, scouts desire, and teammates love. Because Soccer Performance System gives you the athletic traits you need to succeed all over the field - speed, agility, strength, power, and so much more.

Here’s everything you get when you join today:


The Soccer Performance System will build your agility, quickness, speed, and power from the ground up using a science-based approach that has been tested by soccer athletes who’ve walked through the doors of my gym, and athletes all over the world. Inside, you’ll receive an approach to agility training, plyometrics to support your speed and power, mechanical drills to sharpen your running mechanics, compound lifts to support your force production, and more. In other words, there’s no stone left unturned. I address every physical component you need to become more lethal in your sport.


I’ve created whiteboard videos that will teach you the driving factors behind the Soccer Performance Program and made them available to you in an easy-to-consume video library. These videos will show you what to expect month-to-month in the program and teach you how to extract the best results possible.


I’ve written up a detailed manual on the theories and components behind the Soccer Performance System for athletes and coaches who want a deeper understanding of what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. You'll discover the driving forces behind one of the most effective soccer training systems available today. It’s so extensive that by the time you’re done reading it, you could develop your own soccer training program.


What’s the point of following a program if you don’t know if it’s making you better? There isn’t a point. That’s why I’ve created a testing manual that contains a series of drills to perform to develop a baseline of your speed, strength, lateral quickness, and power. You’ll perform these drills again once you’ve finished the program to see how much you’ve improved. As I always say, you can’t manage what you can’t measure.


When you get your copy of Soccer Performance System, you’ll gain access to the new, updated OTA Exercise Database. Inside, you’ll find extensive demonstrations of each movement, exercise, and drill you have to perform for the Soccer Performance Program. This ensures you’re performing each movement with precision, intent, and full confidence in each movement's effectiveness.

And When You Join Today, 
You’ll Also Get These Four Bonuses:


A key factor of your success on the field is your ability to quickly recover from bouts of high intensity work. That’s where this Anaerobic Efficiency Conditioning bonus comes in. In this bonus conditioning guide, you’ll be exposed to methods that will expand your gas tank and give you the ability to outwork your competition on the field.


Whether you're a coach of a youth team, a youth athlete, or just don't think you're ready for the weights, this program will deliver results. Inside of this program, I've compiled the top knowledge on training youth athletes and implemented them into this beginner soccer training program.

It's yours FREE when you get your copy of Soccer Performance System today.


If you can't make it to the gym, like the autonomy of training on your own time, or would rather train at home, this program is for you. It's the complete, 14-Week, Soccer Performance System program in bodyweight format.

I set out to make this program just as powerful as the normal Soccer Performance System program. And it's yours FREE when you grab Soccer Performance System today.

But Most Importantly... You’re Getting a System That’s Totally Different Than Everything Else Out There

Because instead of focusing on more skills work…

Soccer Performance System hands you an approach to getting the athletic traits that compliment your skills…

The agility that allows you to react to a deflected shot, or quickly change directions…

…The speed that allows you to chase down a player on a breakaway, or breakaway from the defense yourself…
…The explosiveness that allows you to beat defenders to the ball…

And so much more.

But more than that…
Soccer Performance System Gives You a Progression System
So that every session…

You get a little bit stronger…

A little bit faster…

A little bit more powerful…

And just 30 days from now, teammates will notice a difference…

60 days from now, your production on the field could soar…

90 days from now, you’ll be a totally new player…

With athleticism and ability that swamps the player you are today…

….Just as long as you follow the system as it’s laid out.

And This System is Easy to Follow

We’ve taken all the guesswork out of it…

Because we’ve made follow-along videos for ALL the exercises…

And laid out every single exercise, set, and rep for you to follow.

So even though this system includes:
  • Speed Mechanics Work
  • ​Agility Drills
  • ​Weight Lifting
  • ​Plyometrics
  • ​And More
There’s no guessing, because we’ve removed all the guesswork.

And all it takes is 4 hours a week to follow this science-based system.

That’s 1 hour, 4 times a week.

There are 168 hours in the week.

If you can’t take 4 to improve your athleticism, you’re probably not committed to your craft.

And You Probably Want Proof My 
Systems Work

And You Probably Want Proof My Systems Work

So here’s a ton of proof.

More than you could ask for:
There’s no guessing, because we’ve removed all the guesswork.

And all it takes is 4 hours a week to follow this science-based system.

That’s 1 hour, 4 times a week.

There are 168 hours in the week.

If you can’t take 4 to improve your athleticism, you’re probably not committed to your craft.
Plus, You’re Backed By The World’s Best Guarantee So Good, You Can’t Lose
I get it - 99 dollars is a lot of money. 

It was for me when I was an athlete, and it still is today.

But athletes have a small window of opportunity.

And with each passing day, you get closer to your day of judgment.

The judges are the coaches and scouts who stack you up against your competition.

Will they see you as worthy, or will they pass you up for another player who put in the work?

That aside, I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

So I want to give you the opportunity to give this “car” a test drive before you drive it off the lot. 

Gain access to the system, try it out, and put it into action.

And if you’re not better after 90 days…

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund.

We’ll send you your $99, and let you keep everything free of charge.
Because you’ve seen behind the curtain…

…And you know why soccer players try so hard to get faster…

…But barely ever get results…

And more importantly…

You know the shortcut to getting speed and agility quickly…

…And you’ve been handed a 4-step soccer system that’s proven to work.

So now, all that’s left is a decision…

A decision to conform…

Plug your ears…

Bury your head in the sand…

And pretend you never saw this message…


You can leave the old school methods of soccer speed training behind…

Embrace this new style of training…

The style that’s already being embraced by clubs in Spain, Italy, Brazil, France, and other countries around the world…

And see your speed and agility jump in as little as 30 days…

Then keep getting better, day by day…

Week by week…

Month by month.

I think the decision’s easy.

But I’ll leave it in your hands:
The Soccer Performance System Training Manual 
(VALUE: $97)

Uncover the science, theories, and findings that make Soccer Performance System the most popular performance training program among soccer players.

The Soccer Performance System Video Series 
(VALUE: $47)

The video series is a quick course focused on getting you accelerated results

The Soccer Performance System Progress Manual 
(VALUE: $47)

You can’t manage what you don’t measure. So we’ve made it easy to measure your baseline numbers and see how far you’ve progressed after one cycle with Soccer Performance System.

(VALUE: $99)

We’ll coach you through every movement in The Soccer Performance System so you’re 100% confident in every exercise you perform.

Anaerobic Efficiency Conditioning 
[BONUS #1] (VALUE: $27)

In this bonus conditioning guide, you’ll be exposed to methods that will expand your gas tank and give you the ability to outwork your competition on the field.

Soccer Performance Beginner System 
[BONUS #2] (VALUE: $47)

Inside of this program, I've compiled the top knowledge on training youth athletes and implemented them into this beginner soccer training program.

The Soccer Performance System Bodyweight System [BONUS #3] (VALUE: $47)

If you can't make it to the gym, like the autonomy of training on your own time, or would rather train at home, this program is for you. It's the complete, 14-Week, Soccer Performance System program in bodyweight format.

The Soccer Performance System Accelerator Call 
[BONUS #4] (VALUE: $197)

I want you to get results with Soccer Performance System as quickly as possible. And that means setting you on the right path, and answering all your questions from the jump. So when you join, I’m going to link you up with one of my coaches so you get off to the best start possible. 

 Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This For?
This is for soccer players who want to accomplish more, and know that getting speed, explosiveness, and agility are part of doing that.
How Does Soccer Performance System Work?
Soccer Performance System works by going against all of soccer’s conventional wisdom. Instead of getting speed, agility, and explosiveness with cone drills or more practice… Soccer Performance System gives you a way to isolate these athletic traits so you can elevate them in a vacuum.

From there, we transfer them over to the field - with great results.
Do You Offer More Help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while creating this program. But for those who want more help, we offer opportunities to upgrade your order after joining. We also offer custom coaching by application only. 
What Makes This Different From Everything Else?
Because this program is focused on developing the PHYSICAL traits that help you dominate on the field, instead of MORE skills training.

And the system takes advantage of a unique progression system that ensures the speed, explosiveness, and power keep coming.

I Want This, What Am I Getting?
In addition to the Soccer Performance System program, you’re also getting:
> And much more...
Is This a Physical Book?
No. This is a program delivered online instantly. Don’t worry, everything is organized, downloadable, and laid out for you in a way that’s simple and easy to consume.

If it wasn’t we wouldn’t be able to deliver such great results.
Is There a Guarantee?
Yes. If you follow the system to the T and don’t get better after 90 days, you get a full refund plus you get to keep the program.
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THe soccer speed secret your coaches don't know about
Discover How to Get Soccer-Specific Speed, Agility, and Acceleration

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