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If you’re seeing this page, it’s because you’ve selected the Athlete Built Sculpt workout

Which probably means you’re an athlete, aspiring athlete, or weekend warrior who not only

wants to look but also perform his best...

With a big focus on shedding body fat and transforming your physique into the athletic build.

If this sounds like you, the good news is Sculpt has got you covered.

Before we get into how Sculpt works and why it’s really the only option for you...
If you answered YES!

What I’ve put together is going to help you do just that...
So a few seconds ago, I told you

Sculpt was your best choice when it comes to reaching your goals
You see most programs approach shedding excess body fat with very traditional bodybuilding methods.

They typically perform a “cut” by dropping their food intake, depleting themselves of water, and increasing the time doing boring cardio.
However, if you look at how athletes cut excess body fat they...
  • Maintain muscle mass
  • Stay Functional and even become more explosive
  • Stay strong
  • ​Get chiseled without looking sick
Which is why the Athlete Built approach is so different than your typical internet program.

Rather than have you train just to bulk or cut like a typical bodybuilder protocol we teach you how to reach all those goals  simultaneously.
Here’s how it’s done:
Athlete Built 4 Phase Approach to Each Workout


First we train athleticism and explosive movement, so not only do you improve your physical capabilities but we focus on Type II Muscle fibers to promote your lean athletic physique.


We next focus on increasing your overall Absolute Strength through compound movements. So not only do you get stronger but we induce vast natural hormonal response that promotes a lean aesthetic body.


For Phase 3 we move to Advanced Isolation Exercises. This is the only page I take out of a bodybuilders book as we focus on targeting specific muscles to grow that give you the specific athletic physique. However, we don’t just focus on those muscles but a specific combination of reps and sets for each of those muscles that is proven to help them develop individually.


In Phase 4 we finish with specific trunk training. In Athlete Built we want to obtain a specific looking abdominal region. Not the tiny waist bloated abs of a bodybuilder but rather a functional strong but lean looking torso that allows you to move better and eliminate future injuries.
Athlete Built 4 Phase Approach to Each Workout


First we train athleticism and explosive movement, so not only do you improve your physical capabilities but we focus on Type II Muscle fibers to promote your lean athletic physique.


We next focus on increasing your overall Absolute Strength through compound movements. So not only do you get stronger but we induce vast natural hormonal response that promotes a lean aesthetic body.


For Phase 3 we move to Advanced Isolation Exercises. This is the only page I take out of a bodybuilders book as we focus on targeting specific muscles to grow that give you the specific athletic physique. However, we don’t just focus on those muscles but a specific combination of reps and sets for each of those muscles that is proven to help them develop individually.


In Phase 4 we finish with specific trunk training. In Athlete Built we want to obtain a specific looking abdominal region. Not the tiny waist bloated abs of a bodybuilder but rather a functional strong but lean looking torso that allows you to move better and eliminate future injuries.
This specific training schedule serves multiple purpose and amazing benefits…
  • Rapidly Shed Body Fat 
  • Maintain and Actually Pack on Muscle
  • Develop Muscle in Stubborn Areas
  • Increase Absolute Strength 
  • Increase Force Production 
  • Develop the Desired Lean Athletic Physique
  • Rapidly Shed Body Fat 
  • Maintain and Actually Pack on Muscle
  • Develop Muscle in Stubborn Areas
  • Increase Absolute Strength 
  • Increase Force Production 
  • Develop the Desired Lean Athletic Physique
As you can see there are so many benefits of training the Athlete Built Method….

And I discovered this method while in the trenches training 100’s of athletes for performance and seeing duplicatable result after result with not just my athletes but with the thousands of general population members I have had at my 8,000 sq ft facility in St Pete FL

So what I quickly realized was people were being lied to….

Most people are training completely wrong to get the results they are actually looking for.

The run of the mill, typical bodybuilding program displayed in gyms across the world were preventing people from getting the results they deserved for the work they put in
I was tired of it…
I was tired of seeing the confusion in mainstream gyms 

I knew it was time to start showing people the so-called “secret” to what our gym was doing to transform people...

I knew it was time to simplify things for everyone and bridge the gap between performance and aesthetics…

It was time to create just ONE effective, easy to follow program that would lay out every step for anyone to follow in any gym

Guess what?

It took off and quickly became my hottest program ever.

I spent over a decade developing speed, power, and strength programs for athletes and never imagined this particular program to take off like it did.  

I almost never released this because I felt it would “water down” my performance programs 

But since launching this program, there have been over 10,000 men and women, athletes and non-athletes who have made the decision to follow the program….

And if you think you are ready to become athletic and aesthetic you can too.
I was tired of it…
I was tired of seeing the confusion in mainstream gyms 

I knew it was time to start showing people the so-called “secret” to what our gym was doing to transform people...

I knew it was time to simplify things for everyone and bridge the gap between performance and aesthetics…

It was time to create just ONE effective, easy to follow program that would lay out every step for anyone to follow in any gym

Guess what?

It took off and quickly became my hottest program ever.

I spent over a decade developing speed, power, and strength programs for athletes and never imagined this particular program to take off like it did.  

I almost never released this because I felt it would “water down” my performance programs 

But since launching this program, there have been over 10,000 men and women, athletes and non-athletes who have made the decision to follow the program….

And if you think you are ready to become athletic and aesthetic you can too.
The Athlete Built Sculpt 
Full Program 
Athlete Built: Sculpt Training System  
($97 VALUE)
($97 VALUE)
  • ​An easy to follow, full 12 week program with exact sets and reps you’ll need to build the lean athletic sculpt look.
  • The best “bang for your buck” exercises that will build up stubborn body parts through performance methods to recruit more muscle fibers leading to burning more calories and dropping percentages of body fat.
  • ​Principles of Performance Guide that step by step walks you through the program. Things like rest between sets, intensity and loads you should be performing, and tempos of each exercise to maximize results as if I’m coaching you here at my gym personally.
Athlete Built: Sculpt Educational Video System  ($97 VALUE)
  • ​A full video breakdown of what you'll be doing in the program
  • ​Learn exactly what you'll be training when you use sculpt (functional training, strength training, aesthetic training)
  •  The best "bang for your buck" exercises that will help you recruit more muscle fibers, leading to more calories burns; and more BF% lost.
  • ​80 pages delving into how a Power Athlete needs to eat
  •  Complete Power Athlete Meal Plans - Completely done for you meal plans that allow you to know exactly what you need to eat as an athlete.
  • ​Learn about the importance of following your own custom MACROS and 
  • ​The most simplistic way to calculate your lean body mass and precisely how much nutrients you need to consume on a daily basis
($67 VALUE)
($67 VALUE)
  • Lifetime Access to our exercise library to help you understand each movement in the program.
  •  Over 100 videos detailing how to perform exercises that you'll find throughout Savage. 
  • ​Expert breakdowns of movements that aren't readily found online.
Lifetime Access to the OTA Hub (PRICELE$$)
Lifetime Access to the OTA Hub (PRICELE$$)
  • Lifetime Access to our OTA Hub - This is our membership site where you'll be able to view and download all the material you'll need to start the program and succeed.
  •  Special VIP discounts on our other programs
FREE BONUS #1: 7 Day Shred ($27 VALUE)
FREE BONUS #1: 7 Day Shred 
($27 VALUE)
  • This cutting strategy is a proven way to get chiseled QUICK.  
  • Whether you’re getting ready for the beach, or just wanna maintain a leaner physique, this plan will help you get there.
  • ​Easy to follow plan that will have your skin tight and muscles bulging out. 
FREE BONUS #2: Athletic Recovery ($27 VALUE)
FREE BONUS #2: Athletic Recovery 
($27 VALUE)
  • The most forgotten about and underrated aspect of training is recovery.   
  • ​But the truth is, being mindful of your recovery methods can pay dividends. Higher energy levels, less soreness, and better workouts are just a few things that come along with proper recovery. 
  • In this section, I’ll show you the most effective recovery methods that I recommend to my professional athletes that help them show up to their workouts and practice as fresh as possible. 
  • ​And these recovery methods will help you avoid the ill effects of overtraining like sickness, muscle atrophy, high cortisol levels (that make you weaker) and more.
FREE BONUS #3: 7 Day Detox ($19 VALUE)
FREE BONUS #3: 7 Day Detox 
($19 VALUE)
  • Over time, your insides get filled with toxins, impurities, and other nasty sludge that inhibits that absorption of nutrients.   
  • ​Basically, if you haven’t done a detox in the past 3 months, you’re losing out on nutrients that can help towards your recovery during the program. 
  • With this easy to follow detox plan, you’ll clean out your insides, absorb more nutrients, and have higher energy. 
  • ​And no, it’s not a detox that’ll have you feeling like a zombie or cripple you with extremely low calories. 
FREE BONUS #4: Athletic Symmetry ($39 VALUE)
FREE BONUS #4: Athletic Symmetry ($39 VALUE)
  • Whether we’re full-blown athletes or just in the gym lifting heavy, we’re bound to experience some muscle imbalances.   
  • ​These imbalances hinder your power AND strength levels, and expose you to injury. 
  • In this manual - Athletic Symmetry, I share my COMPLETE METHOD for unveiling your muscle imbalances and addressing them properly. With these methods, you’ll experience less tension, decreased pain, and increase range-of-motion, power, and strength to move more efficiently.
As you can see Athlete Built Sculpt is the first and best program to deliver you rapid results using the techniques performance coaches use to get their top athletes in the top shape built out for everyone.
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Now I Know What You Must Be Thinking...
 “This is just another online workout program making empty promises…”
  • ​Nope. I wouldn’t release this if it wasn’t producing results with my athletes and general population athletes here at my gym. Don’t just take my word if you’re that skeptical fly to my gym and see for yourself. Don’t get me wrong you will have to work but you will get results. 
 “I can’t train like an athlete”...
  • ​That’s a self limiting belief. I’ve used this program to train world class athletes and I’ve also used this program to train a 36 year old obese middle-aged Dad who never played a sport in his life. 
 “I’m an athlete will this take away from my game?”...
  • ​If you’re an athlete I suggest finding what you specifically need to succeed in your sport but I have had 100’s of athletes use Athlete Built to improve every facet of their game.
 “What if it doesn’t work for me?”...
  • ​Then I give you your money back. If you work hard and give the program an honest try and it doesn’t work I’ll give you your money back. I’m just that confident it will work because I’ve seen testimonial after testimonial reap the benefits of Athlete Built 
100% Money Back Guarantee
100% Money Back Guarantee
It will definitely take some dedication, but if you stick with it, I am so confident that you will see the results you are looking for - just like so many others before you - that I'm willing to let you try out the program for the full 90 days risk-FREE! If you aren't completely satisfied with how far you've come, contact me by email within 90 days and I will refund you 100%!
It will definitely take some dedication, but if you stick with it, I am so confident that you will see the results you are looking for - just like so many others before you - that I'm willing to let you try out the program for the full 60 days risk-FREE! If you aren't completely satisfied with how far you've come, contact me by email within 60 days and I will refund you 100%!
This 90 day Sculpt Program has helped thousands lose weight and achieve not only their fitness goals, but improve their overall quality of life as well…
Click below to be next!

A $572 Value, for Just $37!
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One Time Charge of $37 - Lifetime Access!

No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 90-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Despite all my successes helping thousands of athletes earn a starting spot,

become star players and EVEN receive scholarships...

Nothing compares to the letters I get daily from satisfied OTA customers

raving about their new found results.

My programs just flat out work,

which is why I am so adamant you try Athlete Built Sculpt for yourself

so you can experience the career changing results first hand.
At the beginning of this letter, I asked you an IMPORTANT question

I asked you whether you are willing to do everything to reach your goals and succeed?

You obviously answered yes or else you wouldn’t be reading this far down, so...

Knowing the success I’ve had with all my athletes over the past decade

And knowing I’ve condensed what worked for them into an easy to follow, proven system

And knowing that one of a kind system is the ONLY program that determines

what’s holding you back and goes to work fixing it

And knowing you can get it at special almost 50% OFF launch price

for a very LIMITED TIME only $37

And knowing it’s backed by a 90 Day Guarantee, where you can try it risk free for the next 3 months

I’ve gotta ask, why haven’t you pressed the button below?

Ask any one of the thousands of athletes I’ve developed over the past decade and they’ll tell you…
Click the button below and get Athlete Built Sculpt now

Once you do, you’ll join the over 2,000 athletes who made the critical decision

to better themselves and elevate their game

Each day you’re faced with thousands of decisions that either get you closer to your goals

or further away from them

This is one of those decisions so click the button


Winners aren’t born, they’re BUILT.
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Athlete Built Sculpt FAQ
 When I purchase Athlete Built Sculpt, how will it be delivered to me?
     Athlete Built Sculpt is a digital product that will be delivered to you through our OTA Hub. When you purchase the program you'll instantly get an email with your log in details so you could log in and download the program and view all the video content that comes a long with the program. 
 How does Sculpt help me burn body fat AND increase my athleticism?
     By effectively structuring the program in the way I explained above, Sculpt is able to properly hit your nervous system to produce strength and translate that strength into explosive power. By also following the specific reps and sets that I laid out in Sculpt, you'll be able to properly burn more calories and sculp your muscles into that athletic look everyone is trying to build. 
 I don't have access to a lot of equipment, will I still be able to follow Sculpt?
     100% - As long as you have access to a squat rack, bench, barbell, and some dumbbells, you'll be able to perform Sculpt. You can always change the exercise to a variation that you'll be able to perform, and if you need any help with that, just hit me up and I'll be able to help you out. 
 What if I’m not a fan of some of the items in the meal plan?
     The meals plans that come with the nutrition bundle are suggestions that you can follow. If you don't like a certain food that's in the plan, just replace that food using our food substitution section that comes with the program. 
 I’m worried that Sculpt may be too intense for me. Should I still try it out?
     The Sculpt workouts are designed so that just about anybody can do them, regardless of their current fitness level. You are encouraged to perform them at whatever intensity level is best for you. Just do your best and make sure to track your progress each week! 
 I’m interested in trying out Sculpt, but I have an existing injury. Is it safe?
     If you have any preexisting injuries, it is best to consult your healthcare provider before trying out Sculpt.
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One Time Charge of $37 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 90-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Athlete Built Sculpt | All Rights Reserved